Trying to read the Bible daily has been one of my goals since childhood. As I was growing up I saw my parents’ priorities were God, the Bible, and Church. I am sure I learned the most important Biblical concepts by age twelve at home, in Sunday School, and Vacation Bible School. In my twenties and thirties systematic theology and verse by verse Bible teaching increased my knowledge of Scripture. It was exciting to learn about God! But there was a growing frustration at myself that knowledge does not equal growth and good activity does not equal obedience. I was actually having trouble spending time doing the most important thing: Loving God and Worshiping Him. Quiet, personal Bible reading and prayer took a new dimension when I began to journal each day about what I was reading. At first it was making lists: God’s attributes seen in a particular passage, His promises, descriptions of who I am, and my possible responses or responsibilities. I would then use these lists in my prayers for praise, thanks, and requests. I am sure that countless other Christians have used such methods through the ages but it was revolutionary in my life!
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